Joke Pile #446

This is what comes out of talking from both sides of your mouth while also sticking your foot in your mouth.

Groaner of the week: What is the difference between Caitlin Clark and a person at a nursing facility? One receives assistance to live and the other makes a living making assists.

Summer groaner: Where do cicadas go when they are sad? A ciciatrist.

Groan and bare it: Taylor Swift's parents didn't appreciate her song "Down Bad" where she mentions being naked. Apparently, they didn't like her nude ditty. 

Things I think I thought

I think it is impossible to predict the future except how this sentence will end.

I think for a bunny that can't jump, things must seem pretty hopless.

I think that chemistry formulas can't be chemically imbalanced.

I think that when it comes to holding music festivals, there is no lalapoleezing some people.

I think that it is a very long way to the bottom of the barrel.

I think that political speeches at national gatherings are chock-full of convention hall wisdom.

I think I hurt myself at the grocery store. I went to pick up dessert topping, tripped, and got  Dream Whip-lashed.

I think that tailors rely on repleat business.

I think the perfect name for a knight who steps in for another knight would have to be Sir Rogate.

I think it is purely speculative to guess.

I think it is redundant to say yo-yo.
