Joke Pile #445

 Things I think I thought in summer-y:

I think that if you combined a euphonium with a timpani you might end up with an epiphany.

I think that there are so many cicadas making noise that even my tinnitus is confused.

I think if I were a pirate, I'd sell corn for a buck an ear.

I think that for some runners, the Olympics go by too fast and for others, they are not fast enough.

I think that while the deer population in urban areas is decreasing, some are hanging on for deer life.

I think that on the last day of the state fair, they should put a stick in it and call it good.

I think that a good summer day is no sweat.

I think that doing good outdoors in the hot weather months makes you a good summery tan.

I think shaved ice is a much better idea than depilatory ice.

I think Farmers' Markets is a much better name than Farmers' Mark Ups.

I think Breaking is the latest confusing Olympic sport. If you are better than the last breaking champion, do you break their breaking record?

I think a skateboard is actually a manta ray experiencing ennui.

I think swimming in the river Seine should be formally referred to as a turd-dunkin'.

I think all this jibber-jabber about how big an audience shows up at a political rally is over-blown (for lying out crowd).

I think I might have to hire a yard service because I fought the lawn and the lawn won.

I think that you put up a hammock, you have to be willing to put up with mocking hams.
