Joke Pile #444

For, for, for the simple reason that this is the 444th post on The Joke's Ennui, I am engaging in "four play". As Bruno Mars would say, "Don't believe me? Just watch." Also, watch for dangerous patriotic bonus content that follows...

Being ganged up on by a quartet of Olympic wrestlers would be four-midable.

The Temptations charted four #1 hits in their career. That makes them four-tune-ate.

I had a party purveyed by four guys named Nicholas and they were great. I did question their branding when I learned they called their company "4 Nick Caterers".

Steve Aken, an evangelical preacher, is running for Congress in Nebraska in a rural district. I'm not sure how he will do, but his hashtag reads #thisisgodforsakencountry. I'm not sure how his constituents will feel about that.

Formulize = how many eyes two mules have.

Forelocks = Number of locks in a New York apartment. Also, the number of hairs I have on my head.

Fourfold = Number of kids in my house that I expect to fold the clothes when the dryer buzzes.

Foregone = The number of kids not around when the dryer buzzes.

Forebearer = The number of kids who have little to wear because of their foregone conclusion.

Patriotic Bonus Content:

 Election Bumper Snarkers*

* Trigger alert: there is something to likely offend almost every kind of snowflake below

"Get the and Vote!"

"Tax Cuts Should Be Like a Circumcision: A Little Off The Top 1%"

"Vote Like Your Ballot Will Be Counted!"

"Live Free or DEI!"

"How Am I Driving? Like Democracy... Over A Cliff"

"I'm Voting With My Crotch"

"My Karen Is Better Than Your Karen"

"Conspiracy Theorist For The Deep State"

"I'm Voting Against My Own Self-Interest!"

"I'm Taking America Back (And Getting A Refund)!"

"I'm Voting For The Greatest Evil"

"Give 'Til It Hurts The Other Side"

"Vote For Fear, Unless You're Chicken!"

"I'm Standing With The Onion!"

"We're Not Going Back (But With Congress, Not Exactly Going Forward)!"

"Democracy is Brat!"

"You Know Who Is Voting? Deez Nuts"

"Know Who Does Less Than Congress? People Who Don't Vote!"

"Don't Vote and You'll Never Have To Vote Again!"

"Make The Texts Stop, Go Vote!" 

"Election 2024: Well, This Is Weird..."

"If You Can Read This, You Aren't a Billionaire"

"My Other Car Is Voting For a Loser!"

"Piss Off Your Neighbor: Vote To Cancel Their Vote!"

"Mathematicians Say: Vote for the Lowest Common Denominator"

"Librarians: 'A Woman President = Overdue, Fine!'"

"Nudists for Kamala: Going Bareass for Harris"

"Don't Forget To Register: Your Vote and Your Gun"

"Tim Kaine, I mean, Tim Walz For VP!"

"JD Vance: Sofa So Good!"

"Trump 2024 - ?: Don't Say I Didn't Warn You"
