Joke Pile #428

 I've got 99 problems but #22 is not one of them...Things I think I thought.

I think I thought that if an opposing team wanted to make it hard for Caitlin Clark to score, they'd move the logos on their court out into the parking lot.

I think I thought is there ever a right tree to be barking up?

I think I thought that if you put archways in your yard randomly, it is arbor-trary.

I think I thought I had a dream where I drowned in a sea of bad jokes. Of course, when I woke up with my dyslexia, I thought I was a groaner.

I think I thought that for hope to spring eternally, she'd have to spring in a weightless state.

I think I thought that going out on a limb for a friend was always better than going out on the ledge.

I think I thought that objects in rearview mirrors may appear smaller because, from a distance, they are.

I think I thought that almond bark was worse than its bite.

I think I thought that soft-housing is much nicer than rough-housing.

I think I thought that if you go to the doctor when you're sick, you are ill-advised. 

I think I thought a thumbnail sketch might be hard to find a frame for.

I think I thought that if babies made ceramic squares, that would be infantile.

I think I thought that being elusive was a hidden talent.

I think I thought that you never hear about a hangnail sketch probably because it hurts to think about it.

I think I thought that it was hard for Russian basketball players to make a swish with so much pressure on them to miss by the opposing fans. For them, it's nothing but nyet.

I think I thought I got a call from a wrestler, I put him on hold.

I think I thought that spring break is a great idea unless the spring that breaks is attached to the straw that broke the camel's back.

I think I thought to be mean-spirited, you can only drink until you are average drunk.

I think I thought that adultry is an oak that works all the time and never plays.

I think I thought that if a mathematician dropped his work in the tapioca, the proof would be in the pudding.

I think I thought that I should take off one of the two watches I am wearing, because I have too much time on my hands.
