Joke Pile #424

 Vegetating and considering the good, the bad, and the uglifruits and veggies...

Among the citrus fruit, limes don't get a lot of respect in the juice department; on account of them being little squirts.

Lettuce's favorite Led Zeppelin album? "The Song Romaine's the Same"

What do you get when you mix an earthworm, some carrots, and a jigger of vodka? A "Bait-a-carrot-tini".  

I went to the grocery store during the blizzard and there was only one kind of fruit left. I'm telling you it was just bananas...

Sometimes when I am craving something, I relish a reddish radish. I can't say it three times fast though.

Joke for a third-grader: Why is a fart like a reedy vegetable? They are both a-spare-a-gas. 

What do you get when you cross a cantaloupe with broccoli? You get a melon-colli, baby!

I used to reckon that everyone loved herbs like I do. But now, oregano-t.

What fruit can you draw with? A crayon-berry.

I wonder if there is a job opening at an apple orchard if they have a sign that says "Apple lie here."

Never tried a habanero pepper. I have tried quite a few wider ones though.

What do you get when you mix lemon and orange gelatin together? I'm not sure, but I think it's a tangelo.

My wife wondered why I was safety-pinning pairs of canned beans together. But she understood better once I told her that the label on the can read "Pinto Beans."

I heard there is a large shipment of root vegetables that have gone missing. But I'm sure they'll turnip...

What's the difference between an Asian cabbage and a famous classical composition? One is Bach's "Joy (of man's desiring)" and the other is bok choy. 
