Joke Pile #422

 It's a snow job...

Why do plow drivers love their work? There's snow job like it!

I love snow, I love how insane it makes people when they drive in it for the first time every year. I will bet there will be at least 2 news stories about a house that has a new "entrance" in it because of a driver running off the road on a curve.

Did you ever notice how busy grocery stores and liquor stores are the day before a big snow day? 

Is it a coincidence that the governor is going to make a speech about the state of the state while the state is under a blanket of snow? Talk about a snow job...

One of my favorite things to do as a kid was to make snow angels. It was perfect training for my job as a windshield wiper tester.

Is it wrong to add snowballs to a snowman?

I live in Iowa City. We don't have icicles, We have I.C.-cles.

Why do people shovel the snow while it is still snowing? I'm asking for my back.

When schools and daycares are closed, why aren't the workplaces that moms and dads have to go to?

Why don't snowsuits have snowties?

I have a great idea to promote neighborliness. When you put salt down on your sidewalk, also add some tequila and margarita mix. Then put up a sign that says "Free all-you-can-drink frozen margaritas" and you'll never have to shovel your walks again! 

Kind of disgusting, but have you ever noticed how dogs like to pee on snowmen? 

Right now a bunch of people who said that they couldn't make it to work are driving somewhere to go sledding with their kids.

Why is a toboggan both a hat and a sled? 

One of my favorite things to see is dogs rolling around in the snow. They look so happy. When I see adults do it, I know it is because they are either falling down drunk or found the icy patch.

You know who is really nervous on a very snowy day? Bank employees who see people coming in wearing ski masks.

I am glad I have snow tires but by the end of winter, I am definitely snow-tired.
