Joke Pile #417

Thankless Thanksgiving Takes...

Thanksgiving: the holiday where the president pardons a couple of turkeys. Though I find it interesting that neither of them are members of Congress.

This year, instead of deep-frying our turkey, I am going to deep fry the pumpkin pie, I am not sure how to deep-fry the whipped cream, though...

My favorite thing about Thanksgiving is the many turkey sandwiches that will follow.

Do you know who doesn't like gravy on their turkey? Mama turkeys.

What do US Senators call the House of Representatives at Thanksgiving? The kids' table.

Thanksgiving is one of the biggest travel days of the year--to anywhere where your family doesn't live!

Thanksgiving is the time of year when turkeys travel incognito.

C-SPAN is covering the filling of the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade balloons courtesy of volunteers from Congress whose hot air from floor speeches and hearings will be filling them.

Thanksgiving: The time of the year where families put aside their personal differences to get together to fight in person.

My wife does not like stuffed turkey, but she doesn't mind telling me to get stuffed on Thanksgiving.

Did you know that Thanksgiving was not an official federal holiday in the US until 1941? If not, bring that up on Thanksgiving and watch your visiting relatives Google it and Uncle Jay lose his mind.

Which is better canned cranberry sauce or the can?

What do you think a turkey would do if they got the bigger half of the wishbone?

I find it funny that a day spending time to  give thanks is followed by a day of spending time (and money) to get thanks.

I have this great recipe for candied yams for those of you who don't particularly like them. Take 1 can of yams, one cup of marshmallows, and a small can of pineapple bits. Put in a dash of cinnamon, some brown sugar and mix it all together. Then open the trash can and throw it all out. It'll save you the step of having to eat them.

Do you know who really gives thanks on Thanksgiving? Turkeys who heard you just went vegan.

I learned that cranberries float because they have small pockets of air in them. If you wrap yourself in a garland of them, they may be used as a flotation device in case of an emergency water landing.

Benjamin Franklin is falsely attributed for wanting to name the turkey as the national bird of the United States. Turkeys of the other hand would have been happy if it was Franklin who was stuffed instead of them. (Hey how about this true fun fact: Franklin wrote that in comparison to the bald eagle, the turkey is “a much more respectable Bird, and withal a true original Native of America...He is besides, though a little vain & silly, a Bird of Courage.”)

Happy Thanksgiving and may you and your families and friends biggest fights be over who gets the drumsticks!
