Joke Pile #413

Jokes for the birds

What's the difference between an extra boat crew member and a common bird? The latter is a sparrow and the former is a spare rower.

If crows were constantly taxed for their crowing, do you think that they would ever get a caw-fee break?

Would it be a cardinal singe if a cardinal's feathers were on fire?

A woodpecker walked into a bar ...and got its beak stuck.

While listening to a Frank Sinatra song, an egret reflected on his sex life: "Egrets, I've had a few but then again too few to mention."

What happens when a personal trainer works out with a finch? They may start off weak but end with a strong finch.

Why do Canadian geese fly in a v-formation? Because they are headed to Vancouver,

What is the result of a long-legged bird nesting in a fir tree? Frasier Crane.

If a trio of parrots sing together, do you suppose they sing in three-parrot harmony?

There was a dyslexic robin with a wig who insipidly chirped all day. You might say it was a toupeed robin patter pall. (Yes, it is a thinker).

A duck, a turkey, and a chicken were walking by a restaurant when a cook chased after them. It was like poultry in motion.

There is an owl habitat in a large garden in England. Their motto to guests is "Welcome to the owl live garden. When you are here, you're family!"
