Joke Pile #400*

 *Post-election Edition

I think it is possible to never concede and also to lose badly.

I thought it was great that in most of the country no one took leave of their senses.

I think it is possible that Iowa is the new old Kansas, and we know how that worked out.

I think that if you thought Chuck Grassley was not too old to be a senator in 2022, you should have to vote for Joe Biden in 2024.

I thought that this election proved two things: If you are willing to sell your soul to get elected, don't sell it to Donald Trump. And also, it is probably not a great look to have Oath Keepers guarding electoral drop boxes.

I think that it is miraculous that the House is still up in the air, but will not be surprised that Republicans will likely call it a mandate if it flips in their direction.

I think for voters, it was good work if you could get it, especially when early voting and designated ballot drop-off were cut off early or entirely.

I think it is a good thing that more diverse voices were elected to Congress. It'll be better if they are heard.

I think Joe Biden was lucky Barrack Obama was available to make house calls.

I think it was unfortunate for Republicans that Donald Trump lost so many races for them.

I think that a college education was wasted on Herschel Walker and apparently not noticed by the voters in Georgia.

I think that if Katie Porter's whiteboard had run as an independent, it would have won in a landslide. Hopefully, Katie Porter will still win.

I think it is unfortunate that so many unqualified people got elected, but will allow late-night talk show hosts' writers to stay very busy coming up with jokes!
