Joke Pile #393

Late edition my thinking cap was in the shop for repairs...

 I think it is impossibly impossible to understand what is possibly possible.

I thought politics might get in the way of friendships, hence I have never made friends with politicians.

I think one of the saddest thoughts has to be "I wonder if I have dementia?"

I think one of the saddest thoughts has to be "I wonder if I have dementia?"

I think if you laughed at that last thought, you are one twisted puppy.

I think if you laughed at that last thought, you are one twisted puppy.

I think if you think "how long is he going to milk that dementia joke?" I would think what dementia joke?

I think that a chicken salad sandwich would be better than a chicken sandwich salad.

They say that time said for no one, but I think it does when your watch battery dies.

I think that all jobs on a railroad require a great deal of training.

I thought that everything was a matter of semantics and if you believe differently, you must be a anti-semantic.

I think that parsley is just boring cilantro.

I would like to think that my wife married me for my wit and my charm, however she tells me that when it comes to my wit, I'm half right.

I thought that retiring early was a good idea, however  not at 6:30 pm.  

I'll leave you with this last thought.  Basketball.
