Joke Pile #391

Cracking wise n order to get through the midweek autumnal hump!

I know a bowhunter that gets mad when I tell him that hunting isn't really exercise, you might say he has a crossbow fit.

This is the time if year when there are a lot of corn mazes or as the native Americans call them, maize mazes.

Autumn: the season that runs hot and cold.

Autumn, the time when leafleting and leafing coincide.

Autumn, when you and your partner fight over whether or not to run the furnace.

Did you hear about the flirtatious garden tool? He was such a rake.

In the fall, it is pumpkin spice this and pumpkin spice that. But pumpkin spice toilet paper, do we really need that?

Fall is the time when people get excited about football and winter is the time they hope their team gets a bowl bid in a warm location.

I hear that it is a good idea to not rake leaves--better for protecting grass and plants, they say. If this is true, why am I just now hearing about it?--said my back.

Of course, Halloween is coming up and you know what that means enough candy so that the two trick or treaters that come by get candy and I have enough candy to get me through the test of the year.
