Joke Pile #390

 I have more time to think today...

I think that when you lose your teeth you are looking to a life of dentured servitude where eating is concerned.

I think it is possible to know what you know and to be completely wrong.

When I was a kid, I used to think if I held my breath long enough, I could change the space/time continuum. That is until I realized all I was doing was passing out.

I would like to think that people get better with age, but I'm not cannibalistic enough to find out.

If you think about it long enough, you realize what a very short word it is.

I think I'm a lackadaisical person in that I lack a dais.

I thought it was a good idea to buy penny stocks, unfortunately, it was JC Penney stock.

I think that time catches up to us all but doesn't have very good interpersonal skills.

I think it is thoughtless to think you have nothing on your mind.

They say time marches on, but I don't think it has a firm grip on where it is marching.

I think the three most beautiful words you can say to another person sitting across a table from you are "No, I'll pay."

Sometimes while making love, I'll remember something that I was trying to recollect. It only happens once though, come to think of it.

I think that clothes in a closet are hangars on.

I thought this would be a good place to finish up.             Turns out, it was over here.
