Joke Pile #378

 It's Friday, time for some funnies...

A little boy was selling lemonade in front of his house. "How much is it," a teenage girl asked?

 "Well, normally it is a dollar, but since you are so pretty, I'll make it 50 cents." 

"Well aren't you the sweetest," the teenager said and gave him the 50 cents.

An older man approached the boy and asked, "How much for your lemonade?" 

The little boy said, "Normally it is $2, but because you are so handsome, I'll give it to you for a dollar."

The big cross-state rivalry game is tomorrow and people debate which team will win. "The home team will win," declared the local sportswriter, "They always play well at home, have a super defense, and they have the fans on their side." The rival team's coach hearing this said, "Unless their fans are actually suiting up and playing on the field or our bus breaks down on the way to the game, we think we can beat them."

The only time you can actually give 110% is if you a very big tipper.

Two lobsters were crawling up on a rock and looking out into the vast expanse of ocean in front of them.

Lobster #1: Do you think there is something beyond all this?

Lobster #2: I don't know, but I had a nightmare where I was in a rectangle no bigger than one of those traps the fishermen put out for us filled with bubbling water. 

Lobster #1: That sounds like the dream I had, only in mine there was a wooden chest that kept opening and closing over and over. Suddenly a huge hand reaches into the water grabs me and then drops me into a big pot of hot water... then I woke up with a start.

Lobster #2: Man, that sound so scary. Good thing it was only a dream.
