Joke #376

 Cracking wise on birthdays.

Birthdays, the one day you can do just about anything and people will say "Hey, so you robbed a bank, it's your birthday!"

Whose idea was it to light a cake on fire on your birthday?

I went to a really rough Mexican restaurant on my birthday. They put the "birthday sombrero" on me and then beat me like a piƱata.

And what's with e-cards? Getting one of those tells me that you just about forgot about my birthday. And a belated e-card? Really, how little do you think of me?

I like kid birthdays though. They really know how to enjoy themselves. Cake all over their faces, shredded gift wrap, toys everywhere--the last time I saw anything like that as an adult was at a fraternity hazing.

How cruel is it to make old people blow out their candles, I mean it could be the last breath they ever take.
