Joke #359

 Riddled with humor...

Q: What is the difference between a professional baseball game and tonight's Field of Dreams game? 

A: In professional baseball, the Cubs and the Reds are a nightmare. Tonight, they are the dream.

Q: When is the best time to take a vacation?

A: No the present!

Q: What's the difference between a medical and a legal opinion?

A: With a medical one, you can ask for a second, for a legal one, you may get a majority of nine.

Q: Which is better for you, a firm pillow or a soft mattress?

A: It depends on whether someone is trying to suffocate you or sleep with you.

Q: Which is smarter, a smartphone or a smart TV?

A: A smartphone because while you charge it, it charges you!

Q: How do you know when a plant nurseryman is a compulsive gambler?

A: Not only will a compulsive gambler hedge their bet, but they will bet their hedge.

Q: How is an Omaha beauty queen like a burnt filet mignon?

A: One is Miss Steak and the other is a mistake.

Q: What is the difference between champions and people who quilt?

A: Quilters never prosper and winners never quilt!

Q: When do you know it is time to quit?

A: Now seems about right.
