Joke #357

 My thinking cap was a little askew this afternoon...

I think 'truth-in-advertising' can be a little too literal. I went to a Farmers Market and they were selling actual farmers.

I think it is hard to reach dishes on a high shelf, but I thought it was time to step up to the plate. 

I think it is possible that I will never accomplish all I set out to do, so my new goal is not to accomplish another thing.

I think donut holes are delicious, but not swiss cheese holes.

I think with my warped imagination that these jokes should right themselves.

Day drinking is not a good idea, but neither is day thinking.

How long do you think it took for kids born after Adam and Eve not to be named after them?

Do you think that lawyers who sue authors are litigious?

I think assassins should consider having a 'take out' menu.

They say that a leopard can't change their spots. Well, of course, they can't reach them all.

They think that the best way to find a good watermelon is to thump it. I disagree.  thumped one with my car and it turned into mush.

I think working in an olive processing plant could be the pits.

I don't know what the condition for it is called, but for people who are born without their five senses, I'll bet they don't find it nonsensical.

I think if I had lots of kids, by the last one, I'd call it 'Quits'.

I think it is very sad that Olivia Newton-John passed away. I was hopelessly devoted to her.
