Joke #356

 This morning, the mocking word is focused on: Construction

Why does a construction job always seem to have twice as many workers as work to do?

Speaking of construction, it has been hard on them. What with supply chain issues, COVID, and inflation? It is almost like they experience the same things as the rest of us.

But seriously, who would want to work in the heat and humidity and dangerous conditions like they do unless they had an agent and they were a professional athlete or actor?

Traffic construction is the worst. Fortunately, they put up signs to warn you when lane closures are happening in plenty of time for you to move into the lane that is closing so you won't have to stop as much as the people actually doing what the sign says.

When I was a kid, roadworkers maybe had an orange vest and a sign that said "slow".  It was good training to get a safer job like bullfighting.

Roofers have it bad, up on a hot surface with the heat beating down on them all day long. But, prisoners in Camp X in Guantanemo envy their cushy lives.

When I retire, I want to become a house painter. Why you say? If I were one, I wouldn't have to paint my house.

And housepainting is a great job for young people. It teaches them business skills, the value of hard work. I see signs every summer advertising college students willing to paint houses. It sounds good until they give you the business and leave your house half-painted.

I had a construction job once, I worked at McDonald's putting hamburgers together.

Being a builder is not easy work. You have to understand geometry, engineering, physics, and much more. You don't have to apply any of this, but you do need to understand it.

Construction workers used to be rude to women who walked by their worksites. Now, they aren't. Probably because their bosses are women and they don't want to get canned.

I walked by a new home worksite once and saw a guy urinating on the front porch of it. I yelled to the guy, "Hey, don't you have respect for your work?" He yelled back, "Yes, that's why I'm peeing here instead of the job I'm on!"

What's the difference between a carpenter and a handyman? About $25 an hour.

Why is "the Field of Dreams" like a bordello being constructed? If you build it, they will come. 
