Joke #354

 Every Thursday, I find myself riddled with are today's with some headline grabbers in the mix.

Q: What do you call an ant without a family?

A: Little orphan ant-ie.

Q: Why does Alex Jones look so uncomfortable on the witness stand?

A: Probably, it's just a bad case of the Infowarts.

Q: Who is the best singer (who also has a sway with words)?

A: Beyonce.

Q: What vegetable is like an automobile in a junkyard?

A: A (car)rot.

Q: A Pixar movie about Mr. Spock?

A: Finding Nimoy.

Q: What's the easiest way to contract COVID?

A: Become president.

Q: What do you get when you cross a novel with sequins?

A: Gliterature.

Q: What does Nancy Pelosi have in common with her husband?

A: She likes Taiwan, he likes to Taiwan on.

Q: What's the difference between caustic soda, a golf ball on a side slope, and anything Josh Hawley says?

A: Nothing, they are all lies/lyes

Q: What is Joe Manchin's wish for when he dies?

A: To be buried in West Virginia, because he's already got his Manchin on the Hill.

Q: What do you call an anti-Trump Republican running for re-election?

A: Defeated and soon to be a lobbyist or political analyst.

Q: What's the difference between a Senate Democrat and Republican?

A: Democrats are for PACT, Republicans are for PACs.

Q: How is Joe Biden's popularity like the state of Kentucky?

A: They're both underwater.

Q: Who are the smartest people in the US today?

A: Kansas voters this Tuesday.
