Joke #348

 This week, wisecracking on the economy.

The economy: a magical place where money and dreams go to die.

The price of gas is less in Mexico than in the US, so Americans in border areas are going across to buy gas there. Because they worry that their prices will go up, I hear it is now the Mexicans who are saying "Build The Wall."

The easiest way to beat inflation is not to buy anything.

Because discretionary spending is down, I hear that even strippers' underwear is half off.

Billy: "Mommy, where are we going for our vacation this year?" 

Mommy: "To the grocery store."

So, when the price of gas keeps coming down, that's also Joe Biden's fault, right?

The bad news is I hear we will be in a recession for the next year or two. The good news is it is being predicted by the same people who said inflation would not be this high.

Walmart has announced that it will be slashing prices on clothes and other discretionary items that they say people aren't buying. Maybe it would be better to cut prices on the things that people are buying?

Did you know that Walmart's CEO  is named Doug McMillon? It should be Doug McMillions.

This "shrinkflation" is nuts. I bought a donut and all I got was the hole.

It isn't all bad news, more people are working than before the pandemic, which is good. The bad news is they are working two or three jobs.

Watch out for the people who tell you "Well, it could always be worse." They are likely doing much better than you in the first place.

I was reading that some men are so stressed from the prices going up that they are having erectile dysfunction. That's right, inflation is leading to deflation.

Every cloud has to have a silver lining. Take now, people have less take-home pay, but are spending time with new people. Sadly, those new people are credit collectors.
