Joke #339

 Monday Morning Mockery Anarchy Edition

What is an anarchist? An anarchist is a person who doesn't want the government to take any of their money and give it to someone who needs it more.

Anarchy presupposes that government is terrible but conveniently leaves out that all governments are made up of people.

Ayn Rand, who some anarchists adore, was against anarchy, and she also received Medicare and cashed her Social Security checks.

Anarchy is the best form of government that money can't buy.

Anarchy errs on the side of freedom except when there is disagreement over what freedom means.

Both conservatives and liberals are pro-anarchy when the other side is in charge.

It is said that Emma Goldman and Lewo Tolstoy were very good kissers, but you wouldn't know it unless you were anarch-kissed.



  1. Absence of any form of political authority, but plenty of opinions.
  2. Political disorder and confusion because you created it.
  3. Absence of any cohesive principle, such as a common standard or purpose. Kind of like academia.
