Joke #334

 Independence Day Edition

Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin were hashing out a draft of the Declaration of Independence.

Franklin: Do you think that history will remember us, Thomas?

Jefferson: It depends.

Franklin: Depends on what?

Jefferson: If someone writes a big, splashy musical about us like they probably will for Alexander Hamilton.

James Madison was working on the 2nd Amendment with John Jay.

Madison: Do you think it will be clear what I mean by a "well-regulated militia"?

Jay: As long as you say “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” what could possibly cause any confusion?

Madison: You're probably right. I mean women and slaves aren't "people", so I suppose nobody will read anything into this amendment in the future that would be different than our original thoughts.

Crispus Attucks, who fought and was the first to die at the Boston Massacre went to heaven. St. Peter greeted him and said "Crispus, welcome to heaven where everyone is a free person." Attucks said, "I was already a free man--part African and part Native American." St. Peter said, "Yes, but that is about to all change when they make this thing called the Constitution. So, again, welcome to heaven!"
