Joke Pile #332

Wisecrack Wednesday Sedition Edition

For all the tone-deafness of the former president, his chief of staff's "hearing aide" sure worked hard yesterday.

I'm not surprised that the former president grabbed the steering wheel, I am surprised he wasn't strapped in his toddler safety seat in the back of the Beast as per usual. 

I heard that the former president threw his lunch at the White House dining room wall and broke a plate. I didn't know Happy Meals were served on plates.

I understand that the chief witness yesterday also was an intern for the junior senator of Texas and also a member of the House who was shot. My reaction is that she sure knows how to pick them.

When the former president learned that there were armed people he remarked that he didn't care because they weren't out to hurt him. I'm sure that is a great comfort to the Capitol Police Department.

Out of all the regrets the former president likely has is that he didn't choose January 6th to go golfing like the other 307 days that he needed a break from the job.

The chief witness would often preference her recollections with "with words to the effect of." Well her words had the effect of nailing the former president's butt to the wall.
