Joke #330

Monday Morning Mockery- Supreme Court Edition (Trigger warning: these are inspired by the Dobbs v. Jackson decision)

Q: What is black and white and no memory of the past? 

A: The Supreme Court of the United States.

Q: When does life begin?

A: At the point of misconception.

Q: Who has more credibility: a used car salesperson or a Supreme Court nominee?

A: A used car salesperson, because you know that they will lie to you and mean it.

Q: What's the difference between law and justice?

A: Law makes you have to birth your rapist's child depending on the state you live in.

Planned Parenthood is rebranding, it will now be called Pained Parenthood.

Thanks to the Supreme Court rulings on gun rights and abortions, it will be a lot easier for families to arrange shotgun weddings and shotgun pregnancies.
