Joke #329


Frantic Frank was trying to clear his schedule so he could leave work early on Friday. However at 4 pm, just as he got done with his to-do list, Bossy Beverly, his supervisor, stopped in his office with a work-bomb to diffuse.

BB: Frank, I need you to call our East coast vendors and find out why they are not delivering components on time.

FF: Well, it is an hour later out there and people might not be picking up.

BB: I don't care, the brass wants to know yesterday, so get on it!

FF: You got it, boss!

So Frantic Frank started calling the 40 or so vendors on his list and, not surprisingly got voice mail for the first several vendors he called. However when he got near the bottom of the list, one of the vendors, Henpecked Harry at Consolidated Components picked up.

FF: Hey Harry, Frank here. Listen, my boss is wondering when we'll receive our components from you guys?

HH: Frank, do you mind if I put you on hold for a sec? I'll be right back.

FF: I'll hold.

A few minutes later, Henpecked Harry comes back.

HH: Frank, you still there? 

FF: Harry, yes.

HH: Can you hold just for a minute more?

FF: Harry, don't put me on hold again!

A few minutes later, Harry comes back.

HH: Frank, are you there?

FF: Yes, what do you have for me?

HH: Well, I spoke to the shipping department...

FF: And?

HH: Ah, what is the weather forecast in your area for next week?

FF: Mid-90s all week, why do you ask?

HH: Well, the shipping guys told me to tell you to look for your stuff when hell freezes over. Sorry. Have a good weekend, Frank.
