Joke #328

Now with Gluten-free riddles!

Q: What's the difference between a bad sea captain and a change agent?

A: One is likely to rock the boat and the other to steer a boat into the rocks.

Q: What is bigger than the horizon and more dangerous than a pit of venomous snakes? 

A: A politician's ego when in power.

Q: What does a big bank slogan have in common with a mugger?

A: They both want to know "what's in your wallet"?

Q: What's the difference between seeing a nocturnal mammal and pretending you are not scared of it?

A: One is eyeing a bat and the other is not batting an eye.

Q: Why did the Rabbi like to have several happy beagles around him at breakfast time?

A: Who doesn't like "licks and beagles" for breakfast? 

Q: How do you know you are at Graceland?

A: When you see the sign that reads: Elvis < -- The Building -- >?  (Got it?--Thank you very much!)

Q: What might you call a small chain of Middle Eastern karaoke bars?

A: Hummus: A Few Bars
