Joke Pile #326

 Things I thought this past week

Musical questions I do not have an answer for: What's love got to do with it? Why do fools fall in love? Who wrote the book of love? 

Why not a traffic hexagon while we are experimenting with roadways?

Believe me, when it comes to forgetting things, I can run lapse around you!

Does God ever say "Oh, for my sake, I forgot to get the hotdog buns!"?

I find talking about levitation to be so uplifting.

I know what they should rename that road that washed out at Yellowstone National Park: Usetabee Rd.

Relative to numbers: I used to be in the prime of my life, and now I'm just breaking even at being odd.

The way things are going, we will no longer be part of the Rhythm Nation and back to being a Rhythm Method Nation.

Are flowers a plant orgasm?

Vacation: a costly period of time that feels more like work than relaxation.
