Joke #325


It was a beautiful Monday morning and George woke up to find his partner, Steve was not in the bedroom. As George made his way to the kitchen, he heard Steve whistling and putting the finishing touches on what looked to George to be a breakfast-in-bed surprise in the making. So, George quickly and quietly ran back to the bedroom and pretended to be asleep, so as not to ruin the surprise.

10 minutes went by, but no Steve.

15 minutes go by, no Steve.

30 minutes later, Steve comes into the room, but no breakfast. But, George tries to play it cool.

George: Well, you were up bright and early this morning. What were you up to?

Steve: Nothing. Just read the paper, did the crossword, and drank some coffee.

George: Oh, really. I could have sworn I heard you cooking down there.

Steve: Oh. Well, to be completely honest, the cat seemed peckish so I made her a little something.

George: Oh, that was sweet.

Steve: Yes, but she wouldn't eat anything I made, so I got out the tea tray--you know like I do when I make us breakfast? Then I put all her food on a plate on the tea tray and set it on the table. Then I left the kitchen. And do you know what?

George: No, what?

Steve: As soon as I left, she was up on the table eating her food because she thought it was for you. Isn't that just hilarious?

George: Yes.  h-i-l-a-r-i-o-u-s.

Steve: Sorry sweetie, I gotta run But what are you up to today?

George: The usual. Do my workout. Stop at the store. Get rid of the cat.
