Joke #324

 At the bar, sports nuts Ernie his favorite basketball team goes down to a crushing series final defeat. Meanwhile, Ernie's pal Bernie, another sports fanatic was enthusiastically celebrating the other team who he was rooting for as they took the championship.

Bernie: Did you see that? Whoo, my boys! C-H-A-M-P-I-O-N-S--Whoo! 

Ernie: You just wait 'til next year!

Bernie: Why-- so we can whip up on your team again?

Ernie: You have to admit, if our star players were all healthy, we'd have won.

Bernie: I hate to break it to you, but we weren't playing at full strength either. We were down to the end of our bench tonight.

Ernie: Well, if the refs hadn't blown all those calls...

Bernie: Pal, your team got way more fouls called for them than we did.

Ernie: Yeah, but when it really counted, the refs were 99% on your side.

Bernie: Probably because your team was down by 20 and they were fouling the crap out of my team more?

Ernie: Maybe. Do you know what I really hate?

Bernie: No, you tell me.

Ernie: When you use facts against me. Nothing I hate more than a good winner.
