Joke #323

 If it's Thursday, it must be riddled with riddles. 

Q: What's black and white and red all over? 

A: A skunk drinking a Bloody Mary.

Q: What does a dog say when it goes to sleep?

A: Goodnight tail, I'll see you in the morning.

Q: What's the difference between a grotto and a catacomb?

A: You can't find out if your cat has fleas with a grotto.

Q: How do you prevent road rage?

A: Stay away from me on the highway!

Q: What would you call it if Dolly Parton and a UPS driver hooked up?

A: Parton parcel of something bigger than the both of them.

Q: What do you call a bloodsucking pest on the moon?

A: Lunatic.

Q: When is the best time to stop work in Germany?

A: Nine!

Q: Where is the best place to get a haircut?

A: On your head.

Q: When do you know you've had enough?

A: After reading this.
