No Joke Today

 I truly enjoy writing jokes on a daily basis. It brings me deep satisfaction to do it and I really look forward to it. Also, I try to keep politics out of my joke writing. However, with the latest killing of 19 school kids and 3 others in Uvalde, TX--a place not too far from where I used to live, I have nothing to offer in the way of jokes. All I have is anger and outrage toward the lawmakers who do nothing but offer their "thoughts and prayers", the lobbyists and gun manufacturers who profit from both the fearmongering they underwrite and the sales of guns that end lives on a daily basis, and the sociopathic individuals who have so little sense of self-worth that they kill innocent people. 

If you want to do something, write your elected officials at all levels and tell them you are tired of it and tired of them doing nothing. Also, if you have children, comfort them and remind them that you love them and will protect them. Finally, if you feel like you are too numb to do anything or don't think it matters--it does. Maybe the "good guys" aren't the ones with a gun, but those who say "enough is enough" and take the position that we can and must do more to stop this madness.

While there are no jokes today, I promise, this won't be the last laugh.
