Joke Pile #319


What's the difference between a good joke and a bad one? A good joke is yuckier.

My wife and I don't always see eye to eye. For example, she thinks the refrigerator light goes off when the door is closed and I don't. So, to get to the bottom of it, I emptied out the refrigerator and climbed inside. My wife shut the door and do you know what? Not only does the light go out, but so does the air supply--as I learned when I woke up with paramedics standing over me.

Seriously, I am not the brightest bulb all the time. I was gardening and found myself in a patch of poison ivy. Fortunately, I was wearing rubber gloves. Unfortunately, that was all I was wearing.

Speaking of itching, did you know that housing insulation is made out of fiberglass and if you come into contact with it, it makes you itch like crazy. I learned this the hard way when I wrapped myself up in it before getting in the refrigerator.

And speaking of EMTs, do you know why there are always two of them? If there were three, you wouldn't have a paramedic!

Have a safe Memorial Day weekend and take it easy out there.
