Joke #315

 Riddle Edition

Q: What is the preferred waterway for a duck to travel? 

A: Viaducts.

Q: What do you get if you combine a rooster, wine, and a Greek philosopher?

A: Aristotle, a bird with a wattle, and a bottle.

Q: Speaking of wattles, can you name a song that Irving Berlin wrote with a wattle in it?

A: Sure, "Wattle I Do"

Q: What do you call it when you take photographs of attractive people and then develop them?

A: Photogenic photosynthesis.

Q: What is the difference between Tony Bennett and the Meissner technique?

A: One is a class act, and the other is an acting class.

Q: What is the difference between a wishing well and a craniotomy?

A: Well, it's not brain surgery.

Q: What do you call a fortune-teller who is never right?

A: An abnormal psychic.
