Joke #307

I was having a bad day. I walked into our kitchen and saw a bunch of ants streaming across the floor, climb up on our kitchen table, and swarm on a couple of potato chips that were lying there. Then, they lifted the chips and carried them back the way they had come. But when they got to the kitchen door, they couldn't get them under the door. 

I was freaked out to see all the ants, but nonetheless fascinated and kept watching. They tried every way they could to get those chips under the door, but nothing doing. 

Then they swarmed together and broke the chips up into smaller pieces and the next thing I saw was them setting up ant-sized lawn furniture, lighting up an little barbecue grill and putting on tiny Hawaiian shirts. Just then, I saw the refrigerator door open and the ants were now carrying condiments, hot dogs, and buns to the place where the chips were.

Then it dawned on me how smart ants really are. Even ants know that when the chips are down and nothing is going as planned, you might as well throw a party!
