Joke Pile #289

Things I Think I Thought (If you thought of them first, it proves I'm no mind reader)

If lemonade comes from lemons shouldn't milk be called cowade?

Isn't all news local news somewhere?

If God and Jesus are celebrating with a glass of champagne, would that be called The Father, the Son, and the Holy Toast?

I wonder if you hung around damp clocks all day if you would end up time-warped?

I saw a bear that kept growling the same thing over and over. I think that bear's repeating.

If you mixed soap and sunscreen together wouldn't you end up with tan sanitizer?

I read a section of a poem about rationalism and thought "that stanza's to reason."

My dog sniffs people in the most embarrassing places, I think she's a real nose-it-all.

If coffee is made from coffee beans, shouldn't jelly be made from jelly beans?

Is anyone ever not at odds with their chances?
