Joke #297

 Monday Morning Mockery

Marvin couldn't understand why the toaster wasn't working. No matter which setting he put it on, it was the same thing, not warm enough, not toasted enough. Marvin got out his tool kit and disassembled the toaster looking for a loose wire or a burned-out heating element, but nothing. 

He reassembled the toaster and went upstairs where his partner was just waking up. "What's wrong, Honey," his partner said. 

"It's the darn toaster, I think it's broken," said a clearly distressed Marvin. 

"Well, Hon, let's take a look together, shall we," his partner asked? So, back downstairs they went.

Marvin plunged the toast down and nothing happened. "I'm so angry, this is making me nuts!"

"Well, Hon, I think I know what the problem is," his patient partner said quietly, "You've got to plug in  the toaster, Babe."
