Joke #299

 Wisecrack Wednesday

So, Death knocks on the door of the oldest woman in the world. 

She comes to the door wrapped in a towel. 

"It's your time," Death says. 

"Can you wait a minute," asks the oldest woman in the world, "I'm just out of the shower and I would hate to be found like this."

Death says, "Well, you are the oldest woman in the world, I guess I can wait a little longer." 

"Would you mind if I make a quick phone call?" she asks again. "I want to let a friend know I'll be missing our afternoon tea."

"I suppose, but I do have a schedule to keep," says Death tapping the watch on his boney wrist.

The oldest woman in the world calls her friend, the second oldest woman on earth, and says quietly, "Lucile, it's me Tanaka. Three things: First, tea is off. Second, the job is all yours. Third, from now on, don't answer the door!"
