Joke Pile #296

 Friday Funnies (Earth Day Edition)

Today is Earth Day, the day that we remember where we came from.

By the way, did you ever wonder what happened to Father Nature?

For Earth Day, I hear that all public restrooms in California will now add Global Climate Changing Stations.

Apparently, things are also pretty bad in the solar system. Even the sun is having hemorrhoidal issues like occasional solar flareups.

In 1990, NASA launched the Hubble telescope to look out into deep space to help us understand the future. Recently, NASA launched the Webb Space telescope to look into the galaxies' past. When will NASA launch a telescope aimed at earth and help us understand what we are doing right now?

On the first Earth Day in 1970, groups that had been fighting against oil spills, polluting factories and power plants, raw sewage, toxic dumps, pesticides, the loss of wilderness and the extinction of wildlife united---and have been doing it ever since. Proving that it takes a lot to protect the earth, especially from the people living on it.

In 2020, Earth Day marked its 50th anniversary. Let's hope that it makes it to 100!
