Joke Pile #274


Things I Think I Thought Tuesday

- Orange juice is delicious, chocolate milk is delicious. Why aren't chocolate milk and orange juice together delicious?

- Are Peeps just little My Pillows with more pizazz? 

- If the police stop theft of materials at the Alcoa factory, were the robbers aluminum foiled?

- I read "Like Water for Chocolate" but I like Waterford crystal better.

- I wonder when Door Dash driver picks up an order at a bakery if someone says "Well, they take the cake"?

- When there is heavy rain, why don't people say it's raining elephants and pianos?

- If birds suddenly appeared, every time you are near, I wouldn't think of the Carpenters' song. I would think you were Tippi Hedren.

- I wonder if prunes ever say "Let's go for a soak"?

- Shouldn't a donut hole be the dull aching feeling you have when you have not had any donuts?
