Joke #226


A long time ago on Valentine's Day, Cupid flitted about shooting everyone in sight with his arrows of "eros". However, he wasn't having much luck with the elephants whose leathery skin was much harder to penetrate than most. And, on top of this, the elephants were pretty annoyed about this pesky little cherub taking potshots at them. 

The head elephant, who was old, scolded Cupid, "Listen, you little runt, stop that this instant."

Cupid said, " But, I'm just doing my job," and kept firing arrow after arrow at the elephants without success.

The head elephant told all the other elephants to join in a stampede and meet him at the watering hole. Cupid lost them in the dust, and when they got there, the head elephant had them all load their trunks up with all the water they could handle. When Cupid finally caught up with them, they hosed him down with so much water that his little angel wings wouldn't work and his arrows were so soggy that they were unusable.

Cupid said, "Why did you do this, I'm only trying to spread the love around?"

The elder elephant said crankily, "Look, Sonny, we are too thick-skinned to care about love and now know that you're all wet!" Maybe you know a person like that, too?
