Joke #224


Lana the lemming was in serious trouble. You see, she fell behind on her house rent due to having a complicated childbirth and missing a lot of time at work. Without enough money to pay the rent, the unforgiving landlord still served papers to evict her and her child.

A friend of hers suggested that she consult the Lemming Aid Society to see if there was anything that could be done about it.  Lana met with the LAS and was pleasantly surprised to learn that the landlord was not legally able to evict her due to a newborn being in the house.

Needless to say that Lana was ecstatic. And for years and years, she would recount the story to her growing child who would forever be grateful for her Mom (and for the LAS). In fact, she had a little saying that reminds her of her Mom's experience: When lemmings give you life, thank Lemming Aid! 
