Joke #222

One night, a man is running in a park in Anaheim when suddenly he falls and passes out. When he awakens, he is nude and surrounded by a beautiful white light all around him and he can hear the sound of the multitude roaring. Above him is a solitary Angel looking down at him. 

"Where am I?" the man asked his head hurting a bit.

"You are in the arms of the Angels," the being says to him.

"Are you St. Peter?" asked the bewildered man.

"No, I'm Bob the groundskeeper who takes care of the field."

"Huh?" the guy is now very confused and feeling dizzy.

Suddenly he looks around and sees he is surrounded by a bunch of other Angels who look at him very sadly.

"Yeah, you idiot," Bob says, "you were drunk and ran onto the baseball field naked during the game. The whole outfield had to gang tackle you to stop you from making a bigger fool out of yourself."
