Jokes #160 - #164

Teacher: "Gilly, use 'litany' in a sentence."
Gilly: "My dad got lighter fluid on his pants and instead of lighting the grill, he 'lit a knee'."

Mom: "Michael, are you okay?"
Michael: "I ate something at school and my stomach feel like my shoelaces."
Mom: "What do mean?"
Michael: "It feels double-knotted."

Teacher: "Warren, what does 11 + 1 equal?"
Warren: "One doughnut short of a baker's dozen."

Little Brother: "Why do birds fly?"
Big Sister: "Because they don't have time to take the school bus."

Teacher: "Phillip use 'surmise' in a sentence.
Phillip: "Sweat dripped in my eyes and surmise are burning." 
