Joke #159

Mrs. Benis was seen as the meanest teacher on the planet. Every class she would assign her students a chapter of the text book to read for the next class, make them do daily assignments, and give them extremely difficult tests every week. Much to the chagrin of her students, each and every assignment would come back with red ink everywhere. Students were frustrated, but finally, one brave soul approached her after class.

"Mrs. Benis, I don't know what you want from me. I read the chapters, I do my homework, but every time you are extremely critical and I don't think I've ever gotten a grade above a C--what can I do to get better grades in English?"

Mrs. Benis looked at the quavering student in front of her, pushed up her glasses and looked him squarely in the eye and said, "I don't know what you can do to be better in English, but since this is Algebra I, I'd suggest you actually study math!"
