Jokes #132 - #140

Celebrating going out of my gourd...

What kind of vegetables do they feed the lions and tigers? Zoo-chini.

What do you call a pumpkin that gets run over? Squash.

Did you hear about Pete? He set his pumpkin on fire to stay warm. Now they call him Peter, Peter pumpkin heater.

While technically not a gourd, an acorn squash is related--you might say it is pump-kin.

What do you get when you cross Ragu with a member of the gourd family? Spaghetti squash with spaghetti sauce.

Did you hear about the gourds that dated for a while and broke up? A summer squeeze turned into a winter squash.

What do you get if you cross a city in Michigan with a Mexican squash?  Kalabazoo.

What happens when two gourds fight? You get a squash racket.

Why is waking up after a bad night of sleep like a gourd? One is a crick in the neck and the other is a crookneck.
