Joke #121

Bill and Chet, two long-time Hawkeye fans were on the road up to the big game against Minnesota. Around Rochester, they get pulled over. The Minnesota County Trooper ambles up to the car and says, "Do you know why I pulled you over, sir?" Bill, the driver, said, "Was I going too fast, officer?" The trooper said, "No, quite the opposite, you were going 30 miles under the speed limit and you are holding up traffic. Was there a reason for that?" Chet leaned over and said, "Officer, Bill and I were chatting about the game tomorrow and I was saying I thought the Gophers match up well with us on defense. Bill said "No way" and was demonstrating how fast a Minnesota Safety actually is. Personally, I think Bill was being super nice!"

By the way, if you need two tickets to the game, come by the county jail in Rochester...
