Jokes #47 - #53

Today we go on a whirlwind laugh tour of Las Vegas...

Las Vegas--A city that lights up the desert at night and makes the armadillos very cranky.

And the people that you meet. The guy at the craps table was unsure about his job. It seemed kind of dicey to him.

And the guy at the black jack table was full of himself. Boy, he thought he was someone to be dealt with.

The room rates are so reasonable. I got a beautiful penthouse suite and all it cost me was an arm and a leg. My kid will miss that arm and leg...but free breakfast buffet!

I tried one of those one arm bandits and it kept paying off big. A $100 payoff! Then a $200 payoff! Unfortunately, it turned out that I walked up to the ATM by mistake.

Las Vegas is the other "city that doesn't sleep." But it is on account of a guy name Vinnie trying to break its knee caps.

Las Vegas has done a great job of making itself "family-friendly"--in fact it has been doing that since Bugsy Siegel and "the Family" were around.
