Joke #72

Two fishermen were standing by a swimming pool casting their lines. A passerby stopped and asked, "Why are you fishing in a swimming pool, there aren't any fish in it?"

The first fisherman said, "Ah, that's where you are wrong. Just yesterday morning I caught the biggest rainbow trout I ever saw from this very pool."

The second fisherman said, "Yeah, and I caught a 200 pound swordfish! It put up a fight, but I got it!"

Suddenly, a hippy-dippy looking guy saunters up to the pool and takes a little fishing net out of his pocket and starts splashing around at the side the pool.

The passerby says, "Don't tell me, you're here to catch a blue whale."

The hippy-dippy looking guy says, "What, are you high? I'm just picking up the bag of acid I stashed in the pool filter the other day....Crap, it sprung a leak!"
