Joke # 61

The chickens were hanging around around the hen house one afternoon when one vigilant hen spied a fox lurking nearby.

"Cluck, cluck, watch out, there's a fox!" The hen screamed at the top of her chicken lungs. As soon as she did the fox quickly hid out of eye-shot.

"We don't see a fox, the other chickens clucked!"

"I swear, I'm not lying,I saw a fox," the observant hen clucked back. But the other hens ignored her.

A few minutes later, the hen spied the fox again. Again she shrieked at the top of her lungs. Once again, the fox slip back into hiding.

"Hen, you'd better get your eyes examined," exclaimed an irate rooster, "There is no fox anywhere nearby, you must be seeing things."

"No, no, I swear on my pinfeathers, I saw a fox," said the chagrined hen.

Once again, the hens went back to pecking their feed, ignoring the hen's report.

All of a sudden, the wily fox was inside the hen house scooping up hen after hen and gobbling them up. All except the wary hen, who got away from the ruckus.

Moral of the story: Nobody believes fox news!
