Jokes #57 - #58

This couple of jokes are for the birds...

Crows are well known for their foraging for trinkets and shiny objects. They also protect those finds in their nests by an intricate network of squawking from bird to bird. This, of course, has caws and effects.
A father and his boy were out bird-watching together. The boy, who was a bit strange and would repeat things, pointed at each bird that flew by and said, "Daddy, Daddy, what's that--what's that?"

A wren flew by.  --"Daddy, Daddy, what's that--what's that?" -- My lad, that's a wren, his father explained " from the Troglodytidae is derived from troglodyte, which means "cave-dweller", and the wrens get their scientific name from the tendency of some species to forage in dark crevices."

"I see, I see," said the boy.

Then a woodpecker flew by. --"Daddy, Daddy, what's that--what's that?" --- "That's a woodpecker and they are part of the family Picidae, a group of near-passerine birds that also consist of piculets, wrynecks, and sapsuckers."

"I see, I see," said the boy.

Then a turkey buzzard flew by. --"Daddy, Daddy, what's that--what's that?"" --- "That's a turkey buzzard or carrion, my way weird, son."
