Joke #39

A couple--one a mathematician, the other an economist were looking at houses in a new subdivision and they were especially excited by houses that were at 13 Oak St., 29 Deer Ave. and 47 Sunflower Dr.--all of which were all modest 2 bedroom houses on small lots.

The economist asked the real estate agent, "What is the price of these houses?"

The real estate agent said, "The first one is $500,000."

She said, "Wow, what are the prices of the other two?"

The real estate agent said, "They are $650,000 and $800,000."

She then asked "Those are above our budget. Are there any houses for less than that?"

The real estate agent said, "Yes, for the models you looked at, there is a  2 bedroom house at 10 Maple St. is $250,000, one at 21 Elk Ave. is $150,000 and there is also one at 40 Rose Dr. that is $195,000."

Then the mathematician asked, "Why the price differential between these houses? They are the same model of house after all."

The real estate agent then said, "Sir, as a mathematician, I thought you'd certainly understand the difference. The addresses on Oak, Deer, and Sunflower make them all prime locations."
